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StanleyAdams 25-May 2016 Wednesday 10:36 PM (3205 days ago)               #1
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5 Cs

Last weekend was a good one, a record winnings, as I am the biggest owner of Cruz Stable, VIRTUALLY!
For that, I do have some good ideas how capable all my adopted horses are,
and when they can win or should go.
Four winners - Yankee! Only missed one. You got the underlying strategy?

So....I win some, you should give some.

Share with you, five Cs.

5Cs - No, not the 5Cs that Sg girls want.

These are the must-have five Cs before you step into the casino's floor, be:

1. Cool - no personal problem, no pressure, no stress - all self-made, so can also be self-shelved.
Mind-free-and-steady man!

2. Confident - you are there to win. You must be in the positive mode, all the way.

3. Concentrated - Total focus! You are there to win some money, nothing else. No side-track.
If you want to show-off, do it after you won and out of the joint,
into a club or Ktv, celebrate or treat your friends extravangantly.
If you want to look for chicken, why go to the casino, go to the health spa
or the "clubs."
If you are there to fight or challenge the casino, wear more underwears,
you're going to lose them all.
No conflict of interests, yours!

4. Controled - control your game - your SOP, timing, stoploss, wingoal, etc.
Control your youself - temper, emotion, anxiety, etc.
Control your time. My rule of tumb, no more than 40 minutes per session
and two sessions per visit.
In short, control = STOP!

5. Closure - i.e. wrap-up. Walk away, when you sense something is not right.
Like many business, you have to close for the day,
unless you own the casino. Remember, the casino is always open,
they can't close, you can, anytime.
and come back on a more conducive situation - advantage YOU!

Print out this checklist, and read it five time before you walk in the game's

Bonus Cs, don't be careless, compulsive, over-confident, no certainty, cocky or complain or chatty to anyone.

Lastly, collect your $cash$ winnings, calmly and leave as cool as you came.

If you are unable to remember all the Cs in this thread, and complete all the above,

you need to.....CHANGE!.........Oho Oho Oho....Oho Oho!

This message was edited by StanleyAdams on 24-May-2016 @ 12:18 AM

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StanleyAdams 14-Jul 2016 Thursday 3:59 PM (3155 days ago)            #2
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For those who has reached a critical stage in life - mounting debts, no progress, and still sliding
into a bigger hole, crisis after crisis because of gambling, don't blame anyone, not even the unknown,
so called God! You got only yourself to be blamed! Nobody else!

So, what is the solution? It's time to change!

Don't hope for things to change, they will not happen. You have to change, youself first.
Don't have to change the world; don't have to change everything, don't change others,
just have to change yourself!

Change means, do away with the things you are doing wrong and wrongly.
Change means, change for the better, improve yourself and then, things will improve.
Everything and everyone around you will benefit and will change for the better.

If you've firmly decided to do a turnaround, go nuts, take a bold move - go for a
Transformation - total make-over. Remember Transformer? Not so drastic, just reinvent yourself,
just write down or mind-map-out WHAT you want to become or achieve REALISTICALLY,
and HOW to acheive them. Then, ACTION! Consequently, things will evolve and unfold.
Follow through everyday, must accomplish something, everyday going forward, no matter how small.

Should one day, you realised, you can't change for the better, you are not cut for it,
accept your limitations, stick to your day job, just play safe, play kaisu, take no risk,
depend on no luck, as risk = luck, luck = risk! Prepare downsizing........value your times.
Want more $$$$$$$$, you will have less free time. More free time; less $$! Balance yourself.

Be grateful for what you have. Heard about a lady always complaint,
not enough shoes until she saw someone who has no legs?

In this connection, it's worthwhile to revisit thread - constant improvement.

Hope you will not "come undone," again!

Reminder: MV posted must be listened with a headphones
or you will be missing the little pleasure in life, enjoy.

StanleyAdams 17-Jul 2016 Sunday 10:51 PM (3152 days ago)            #3
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I always say,

"lot of things are very simple, but not that easy; yet, far from impossible."

Self-reinvention, to me, is just major changes of your LIFESTYLE -
everythings you do, FOR THE BETTER! How? for guidance.

It really works, take it from me.......I know a guy....reinvented from a blind gambler
to a tactical trader to a strategic savvy investor. But, don't follow this path because
it's really, really, really NOT EASY! To succeed, you need to have a very strong
business-oriented or years of business-trained background, such as having audited
and analysed hundreds of business plans on the job. Needs lot of time to acquires
skills, knowledge, and experience, and did lot of homeworks like a straight-As
school kid, and a very positive-innovative-focus-strategic-driven attitude.

To get started, you need a "major event," eg. go backpacking with minimum fund
and NO credit card. Get far away from your normal routine, find yourself,
then reinvent your future, if you still want a better one.

Do take your time to figure out WHAT you really want to be and will be happy with it?

To be continued............................Stay focus!!!!!!

Headphones time!

OK, this is a classic - ageless and deep. Well, any song by Dylan is forever deep.
He helps and preachs lot of changes, but he, himself, never change. In fact,
his singing - terrible, got worse each time. Knn.........substance over style!
An angry peot. Focus on the lyrics, if you could appreciate them,
you are definately ready for self-reinvention......If it's too much, just enjoy music.

Time to reflect.........self-critique........and.....find the key to creates your new destiny!

Don't be like a rolling stone.

StanleyAdams 19-Jul 2016 Tuesday 4:20 PM (3150 days ago)            #4
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..........continuing......where was I.......Ah......self-reinvention..

Perhaps a good example....Jackie Chan...from a basic kungfu guy ➡ ka leh feh stund man
➡ kungfu comedian/artist ➡ Superstar ➡ director/producer ➡ savvy Investor/major k-pop shareholder,
etc, etc........still reinventing. Be realistic, be what you are good at not what you love to be.
Just like Jackie, he loves singing but he knows that is not his forte. Function over form!

You just have to discover what is right for you. Actually, most things are already there,
to be discovered......iphone's technologies are no magic invented from thin air,
there are always there or existed, to be discovered, reinvented/rearranged, and put together,
strategically, like a jig-saw puzzle.

So, it's not impossible...... In ancient time, from the East, there was a Con..fuse..guy,
biggest procrastinator, said, "the answer is in your hands."

Then, similiarly, from the West......this good old chap called....Shake..who's..Spear,
an alcoholic, ......found out that almost everything can be filtered down to two things
to make a decision - "To be or not to be," he said.

Then, in the Middle....East? or West??? There was two ordinary guys,
self-reinvented superstars - JC and M, claimed to have very powerful
inmaginary friends or relatives, called G........Ancient bloggers took advantage of
the opportunities, invent-and-reinvent, reinvent-invent, create-and-blow-up
the greatest stories or scams ever told........inventing or reinventing...
...until......Today, became two gigantic organisations with billions of followers/customers,
ever ready to give money for nothing..... The mother of all reinvention!

Hey.. don't get it wrong! I am talking about Julius Caesar and Muhammad Ali
......Godzilla........and......Pepsi Cola and Coca Cola!

Ok, getting out of focus.. hope you get the points or the takeaways...

Time for some distractions.....NS Yoon...lovvvvve the way she moves.....wahLan..

StanleyAdams 01-Aug 2016 Monday 10:42 PM (3137 days ago)            #5
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The definition of insanity, or may be stupidity, is doing the same thing over and over again,

but expecting different results – Albert Einstein

StanleyAdams 23-Aug 2017 Wednesday 7:13 PM (2750 days ago)            #6
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Another "C"

"Competitive" edge Punting or Play.

First, let's see the differences amougst.......


Hope this will shed some clarity :

1. Gambling.

You are gambling if you make or bet on ramdon choies for ramdon outcomes
of unfavourable probabilities or uncertainty. All added up to very high unknown
outcome or risk........aka blind betting or gambling.

There is no skill involved. Many depend on the immaginary "luck" factor aka RISK!
Best example, 4D, Toto, casino's games like roulette (with some exceptions).
The "big fish" always has substantial advantages aka winning edges over you.

You will lose and lose and lose, until you got nothing else to lose.

That makes gambler aka loser or gambling means losing!

2. Punting...........or.... I should say, competitive, smart or savvy play..... aka "Play to Win!"

Sporting games, including horse racing, or most competitive events whereby synergising
knowledge + experiences + skills + data/imformation = A.i., not artifical intelligence,
but ANALYTICAL INTELLIGENCE aka AQ......will give you the competitive edges or advantages to win.

Thus, if you are smart and savvy, using ICT as a major tool, do your homework thoroughly
and completely, and with discipline, you will be a WINNER.

3. Investing

Technically, like a business venture, involving employing large amount of capital outlay
for a small pecentage of ROi. Risk should be low but not neccessary.
Win or loss depends on many factors, esp. LEVERAGING, HOLDING POWER, and above all, TIMMING!

Do not mistaken "trading" as strictly investment. Depend on your objectives and treatments,
it could be gambling, competitive playing/punting or investing.

If you put money on high risk instrutments aka high loss probability whose
outcomes are highly unknown = gambling.

All in all, gambling is more of an entertainment. Gambler bet for thrills rather than to win.
They are normally naive, very lazy and always take the easy way out - buy 4D or Toto
Thus, they lose all the time.

Competitive punter, play to win, constantly developing their analytical intelligence,
even up to coding bot to upskill their personal edge, and with the right attitude,
and aptitude, will win more than lose.

Investor are long term businessman. However, If you are lazy and tend to take the easy way out,
that would be gambling. Business needs lots of analytical-and-problem-solving intelligence.

Using A.i./A.Q. or skills to concieve or picking winners, can be considered, not gambling.

The key, is to develops your competitive or personal edge above your competitors......
............. thus, increases your WIN PROBABILITIES!

All the above are based on personal I was an "Accidental Gambler"..
.......... that's is another story, a very long long story....longer than a drama series!

For those who still believe and solely relying on the false hope of inmaginary luck...................

StanleyAdams 19-Aug 2018 Sunday 4:17 PM (2389 days ago)            #7
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Funny things........."C" can be so CONSTRUCTIVE or productive in the CONTEXT of betting attitude.

Here are a few more, which will be cap to ensure you won't overlook them.

CYNICAL - When you get beaten up so much and so often, in losing, you will lose CONFIDENCE,
deilusional, and lost...... like Ah Hock and Newleaf82. If they didn't cry out here
and let go their frustration, pain and fear, they would probably landed up in a
mental hospital or Changi resort.

The sympton of being CYNICAL is, you will blame everyone or everything except yourself.
Don't worry too much, you are not sick but only badly injured or wounded.

Before you really get totally out-of-control, this is the time you MUST or HAVE TO,
take a good break, to recharge, refresh and reboot. If not, shit will hits the fan.

For those who absolutely convinced that they can't kick off the gambling addiction,
I would only advise to turn the negativity to a positive mode - be smart,
learn to play to win, or at least, reduce your continuous losing.

If you really take advantage and make good use of the two threads, rules of winning and 5 "Cs, scrutinise all the "KEY WORDS," strategies, learning experiences, etc, etc.....then, if you still don't win, you will sure to lose less, at least. Study carefully, do R&D, do and FINISH all your homeworks, I believe you will turnaround as I have seen it happened.
When things improve, your CONFIDENCE will shoot up.

"If you don't have the cofidence to win, you will never will."

You must STOP betting on even-chance game, like baccarat, see Rules No.1.
Don't forget, in betting games, you are bound to be playing against "big fishes."
In the case of even-chance game, the big fish who you are playing against is not
the casino. It is yourself, your greed, your impatience, you stubborness, and
worst of all, your lack of discipline or self-control. That's when shit hits the fan.

Another big problem with even-chance game is, it's usually, a grinding game.
RWS makes so much $$$$$$ because of the grind market.

Let me put this point across in a interesting and constructive way and
hope I won't offend Justin.

Betting system 1324 on even-chance game is like "cutting big tree with small knife,"
some said. Yes, it's a quite safe but very slow system. To me, it is more like rubber tapping.
You don't see many rubber tapper, nowaday, do you. Soon, you will get bore like
going to work, doing the same old things, then you will lose your patience of taking so long
to win small, and lose big. Eventually, you will say, " f*ck it, let's double down, all or nothing.
The result will be sure NOTHING.

But, if you bet system 1324 on game that pay more than 2:1, the whole story changes.
Tweet about with a spreadsheet, you will see a clearer picture.......then, optimise.
Be warned, you need to have a fairly good "bet selection" strategy. Do your R&D.

When taking a break, make good use of your R&D to develop your
winning edges.

This is a bit of a pre-mature tips as the details are
yet to unfold from the rest of the rules of winning;

A good winning edge consist of three components:

1. A right or accurate "bet selection" strategy.
2. A good "system" with limited loss, e.g. 1324
3. An optimised "betting or staking" strategy.

Synergise the above to optimise and further develop them.

Looks like "C" is running out. Remember this, whenever you feel uncomfortable in
a game, just shout at yourself, "DISCIPLINE," ........and then, STOP!

Time to rewind back to the top - 5 Cs.


StanleyAdams 19-Sep 2018 Wednesday 5:21 PM (2358 days ago)            #8
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Actually, 5 Cs should be named "Attitude of Winning."
Sorry, don't know how to change the title.

Nowadays, there are lot of talk about intelligence - IQ, EQ, AQ(analytical Q),
CQ(creative Q), SQ (social or successful Q), Ai, etc, etc.

My Hongkee kaki will say, "Muk yea Q Ar?" Aka WTF!

Technically, intelligence is all about thinking! Or rather, how you think.
A chap with high IQ, not neceesary, very successful or rich as another
with moderate IQ but with high CQ - creative intelligence, can make it
very big. In other words, the key is FQ - hey, not that "F," is "Focus" Intelligence
or thinking - always be objective. After that, SQ - Structured Thinking /Intelligence
- think jigsaw or lego. SQ not only will keep you focused and progressive,
eliminating disruptions, it will also protect you in self-controling.
Then!!!!! need to use PQ - Pratical Intelligence - results-focus thinking.
A lot of high IQ or CQ or whatever Q,....these people are good in many things
but they just can't get things done and produce results. So PQ - action plan.

In the context of this thread, a winner will thinks like a winner, a subborn loser
will continuously thinks like a loser and continue to lose without end.

Hence, a loser will see this thread as "wishful thinking," while a smart and
strategic winner could have 7-figure in the bank.

So, before moving forward, you must get your mindset right, again,

" If you don't have the confidence to win, you'll never will ! "

Someone mentioned about complusive gambler. My take is, a complusive gambler,
may one day, realise that "gambling" is like a job, a hobby or a game. When it is no
more fun and get bore......... CHANGE the job, CHANGE the hobby, CHANGE the game!
....and be a entrepreneur or self-employer, be a specialist, or be a productive winner.

I hate to say this, don't turn into a "complusive loser," it is very bad for your spirit.
A complusive gambler can changes, but a complusive loser, like a 50 year
old smoker, is quite impossible to changes. Complusive losing
is a bad trait, a distructive habit and worst of all, a bad character.
Everyone will avoid you. And be careful, a complusive loser will also
become a complusive liar. The only rehab you can afford will be
the good old Changi Resort.

So, change "The Job," or lose your good life!


This message was edited by StanleyAdams on 21-Sep-2018 @ 5:19 PM

StanleyAdams 26-Jul 2019 Friday 7:46 PM (2048 days ago)            #9
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To win, you must have a winning attutide..... of a...

Strategic Advantage Investor!

1. Strategic - Jason Bourne's principle - always have an objective or a target,
be absolutely focused, and no mistake.

2. Advantage - only make a bet or an investment when you have an advantage
aka a winning edge.

3. Investor - money must makes money, a decent return.

Have all these in mind, you will be on the right track.


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