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Good Afternoon everyone, I managed to find 4 wheel chairs for a orphanage. I am still short of 2 more.... Anyone have spare or wish to sponsor? The background story as follows: I went to an orphanage in Pontianak, they specialize in taking care of children with abnormalities. With the help of some sponsors, i had been helping to bring the wheel chairs over one by one. In March 2012, we manage to source another 2 wheel chairs. Recently in Bhati Luhur, another 2 new kids had been admitted to the orphanage for care. These children suffer from a disease that causes the head to swell. There are 387 causes for this illness and their type is Aacase I Symptom. It’s a case of a swollen brain and water retention in the head. They only can consume liquid food. It cost 1.900.00 INR per wheel chair and it includes modification cost as well. In Singapore dollars about $263.88. I hope i can get hold of 2 wheel chairs then sent over to them or raise some funds for this small token. See Link: See post No.2
This message was edited by Gentlepleas on 27-Mar-2012 @ 4:43 PM