AsianBookie In-Running Tipster
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ABVN August 2013 Charity Program As Bertha Von Suttner said: “After the verb “to love”, “to help” is the best verb in the world.  Charity Project 8/2013: LITERACY COMING TO RURAL VILLAGES For a long time, ABVN has not carried any far-away project. This August, we will make a far-away trip and the final destination is MADAGOUI. Because it’s a far-away project, then scope is also bigger and organization is also more difficult. Thus ABVN, I and Mr. Chung (fanvietnam), Mr. A Chung (DJ Hồng Thất Công) – Mr. Lam (titi1) – Mr. hungcatlai – Mr. DuongPham – Mr. Tung (smile angel) & Mr. Boy Germany will still not be able to cover everything, and we will combine with NUCUOI friend group to carry out this project for the best. ********************************************************************** By the end of 2012, NUCUOI friend group did carry out survey the situation at 6 villages belonging to Dong Nai Thuong, Dong Nai Province. The location lies in the middle of administrative map of Lam Dong Province and Dong Nai Province. From National Highway 20, at Madaguoi crossroads, turn to the direction of Cat Tien National Park around 65 kms through the passes and jungle winding roads. We will reach the 6 poor villages of Dong Nai Thuong including Bi Lao Village, BêĐê Village, Bù Sa Village, Đà Có Village, Bù Gia Rá Village, Bù Sa Village. Currently, there are totally 200 pre-school pupils and 257 elementary school pupils. Life and teaching material supports are very limited and shortaged. ************************************************************************** Everybody please give your helping hands with Asianbookie Vietnam. School start is coming. 500 pupils are in need of your contributions and sharing. ************************************************************************** Tentative schedules: - Depart: At mid night of August 9 (falling at Friday). - Arrive: Morning of Saturday. - Noon time: Donations and givings. - Afternoon: enter the jungle, eat BBQ chicken and. - Night: Go back to Saigon. MADAGUOI ESTIMATION | | | | | | | | | | | Stt | Product name | Unit | Q'ty | U/P | Amount | 1 | Notebooks | Block 10 | 270 | 30,000 | 8,100,000 | 2 | Pen | ea | 270 | 3,000 | 810,000 | 3 | School bag | ea | 270 | 80,000 | 21,600,000 | 4 | Black board + chalk + mop | set | 270 | 10,000 | 2,700,000 | 5 | Ruler set | set | 270 | 12,000 | 3,240,000 | 6 | Toothbrush | ea | 500 | 7,000 | 3,500,000 | 7 | PS toothpaste | tube | 500 | 6,000 | 3,000,000 | 8 | Towel | ea | 500 | 7,000 | 3,500,000 | 9 | Mebendazole | tablet | 500 | 20,000 | 10,000,000 | 10 | Lifebuoy soap | ea | 500 | 7,600 | 3,800,000 | 11 | Vinamilk fresh milk | block | 200 | 24,600 | 4,920,000 | 12 | Bien Hoa Sugar | kg | 200 | 21,000 | 4,200,000 | | | | Total | 69,370,000 | Schedules in details: - 10:30PM Friday Night 9/Aug/2013: gather at 23-9 Park, at crossroads of Pham Ngu Lao and De Tham to look after the stuffs. Those who were assigned by Kenny will help me to move the stuffs to the gathering place. - 11:30PM Friday Night 9/Aug/2013, we will depart to Madaguoi. Estimatedly at 6:00AM Saturday Morning 10/Aug/2013 we will arrive at Madaguoi, have breakfast and rest at small church. After that, it depends on situations there that we will move to the deep jungle by truck. - Aprrox. 10:00AM Saturday Morning 10/Aug/2013, we will reach the destination and begin to devide the donation packs according to the age of the pupils. After that, we will have lunch and rest until 1:30PM, then we will carry out the donations. - Programs include the public activities, games, quiz and giving awards to the pupils. After that, giving gifts and giving mebendazole medicine to each pupil. - Approx. 4:00PM we will end the programs. After that the delegation will have the dinner with BBQ chicken and rice and the Falls. Approx. 7:00PM we will go back to Sai Gon. Approx. 6:00AM Sunday 11/Aug/2013 we willarrive at Saigon. - Please refer to the detailed scheduled and have your comments if any. And please keep your accompanied people informed of this detailed schedules. ***************************************************************************** Some photos of the places that we will come  Please refer to the ABVN thread: This message was edited by thong_chau_2511 on 16-Jul-2013 @ 3:33 PM This message was edited by thong_chau_2511 on 16-Jul-2013 @ 6:55 PM
This message was edited by thong_chau_2511 on 16-Jul-2013 @ 7:29 PM