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quote originally posted by Gentlepleas:
Good Day everyone, Our next project is a visit to 2 old folks home and 1 spastic children orphanage. Location: Penang (Malaysia) Date of travel: 070515 - 090515 Target amount: SGD1500 Each home to receive SGD500 worth of dry food or various cleaning detergent for e.g. laundry, floor cleaning, Clorox, hand wash, soap..... etc. The main portion of the funds will focus on daily consume dry foods for example rice, condiments, sauces.... etc. If we raise more than SGD1500, then we fulfil more items in their wish lists. While we are raising funds in Singapore, our counterparts in Malaysia are doing the same. I will be going with Daniel Sim to manage this project personally. Receipts for this project will be based on purchases. Thanks for been supportive to all the programs we had organised. Cheers and best of luck.... GP. This message was edited by Gentlepleas on 01-May-2015 @ 11:25 AM |
Good evening bro GP, I want to contribute $100. Please PM me your account number. Thank you