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Dear AB Members, Please find below breakdown of purchase for 22 August 2015 charity event. We managed to get some saving as items are now at a lower price as NTUC and Sheng Siong are having 7th month promotion for some of the groceries. The balance amount will be rolled over for the next AB Charity project. I will leave the thread in GC for viewing and thereafter will shift it to Charity forum. Thanks Summary of Account R01 - SGD $775 (Purchase of 310 chicken rice with eggs ) R02 - SGD $722.45 (Purchase of provision with Sheng Siong) R03 - SGD $1728.64(Purchase of provision with NTUC Fairprice) Grand Total of Cash Spent = SGD$ 3,226.09 -------------------------------------- Total Cash Contribution Received SGD$ 3,375 -------------------------------------- After Expenditure SGD$ 3,375 - 3,226.09 = SGD$ 148.91 Currently on hand = SGD$ 148.91 -------------------------------------- For your perusal. Your's Truly Infantry On behalf of AB Charity   
This message was edited by Infantry on 25-Aug-2015 @ 9:07 AM
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